Learning-Related Vision Therapy

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Give Your Child the Best Start Possible

Many children will pass a visual acuity test or vision screening but still have a vision problem. This is because vision problems aren’t always connected to eyesight, but could instead be impacted by underdeveloped visual skills.  

Many childhood vision problems don’t go away on their own, and children with vision problems often become adults with vision problems. But with a thorough eye exam and an individualized vision therapy program, your child can train their eyes and brain to work together more effectively, removing their vision problems as a barrier to learning. 

If you’re interested in learning more about our vision therapy programs at IndividualEyes, please reach out to us. We’re always happy to help.

How Do Vision Problems Impact Learning? 

80% of what children learn comes through their eyes. An undiagnosed vision problem can lead to issues with: 

  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Handwriting
  • Reading comprehension
  • Homework completion
  • Classroom performance
  • Concentration and attention
  • Visual arts

In turn, children with vision problems may:

  • Learn at a slower rate than their peers
  • Become frustrated with learning tasks
  • Avoid activities they may otherwise enjoy
  • Develop a negative self-image or behavioural problems
  • Suffer lifelong disadvantages

Because of these problems, it’s essential to have your child’s eyes thoroughly examined so vision problems can be identified and treated early.

How Can Vision Therapy Help with Learning? 

Vision therapy for learning-related vision problems focuses on developing and improving the visual skills that are crucial for learning

Vision therapy helps the eyes and the brain work together to increase visual comfort and enhance information processing. The stronger the connection between the eyes and brain is, the better your child can understand the visual information they take in.

Visual Skills

Learning-related vision therapy is a science-based, drug-free, optometrist-supervised program that can help improve the visual skills essential for:

  • Reading fluidly and accurately
  • Spelling accurately and comfortably
  • Handwriting legibly and correctly
  • Reading comprehension (understanding, processing, and recalling what one reads)
  • Focusing comfortably on homework and other tasks over an extended period
  • Concentrating and keeping attention
  • Seeing well in a classroom environment
  • Problem-solving and creative thinking

Improve Your Child’s Vision Through Therapy

Children aren’t always able to recognize when they have a vision problem. In fact, children may think everyone sees the same way they do. But an eye exam can help detect and diagnose an eye condition even in children who are too young to read. 

If your child is struggling with school, they may have a vision problem. But we can help at IndividualEyes. Please call us any time to ask questions about vision therapy or book a children’s eye exam.

Our Locations

Richmond Hill

Come by our beautiful Richmond Hill location on Tower Hill Road just down from William Neal Community Park. We’re right between Tower Hill-Bathurst Animal Hospital and Aviva Nails, and there’s lots of parking available.

  • 9-372 Tower Hill Road
  • Richmond Hill, ON L4E 0T8


Come visit us at our new office relocated on the 2nd floor of the Bolton Professional Building, turning into Martha Street off Highway 50. We are right behind the Petro-Canada gas station and there’s lots of parking available.

  • 30 Martha Street, Unit 203
  • Bolton, ON L7E 5V1

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