Vision Therapy in Bolton & Richmond Hill

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Strengthening the Eye-Brain Connection

Both adults and children rely heavily on their eyes to learn, explore the world, and participate in work, school, and play. When something compromises the visual system, like an eye condition, injury, or learning disability, it can affect how you see and how well you see. In many cases, vision therapy can help. 

At both our clinics in Richmond Hill and Bolton, we offer individualized vision therapy programs for patients of all ages. Our trained eye care team will guide you through the process and help you discover a stronger eye-brain connection. Call us today to learn more.

Vision vs. Eyesight

There’s a difference between your vision and your eyesight. 20/20 vision refers to your eyesight, otherwise known as visual acuity. It’s measured by determining how clearly you can see an eye chart 20 feet away. But your vision relies on your visual acuity along with visual skills (like depth perception) and strong communication between your eyes and your brain. Vision encompasses your eyes’ ability to send visual information to your brain and your brain’s ability to process that information.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is designed to strengthen the communication between your eyes and brain, improve your visual skills, and make your overall vision more comfortable.

Vision therapy is an optometrist-supervised, evidence-based, drug-free program that’s highly customized to the individual patient. It can have dramatic results when combined with a careful review of the patient’s history, a comprehensive eye exam, and committed participation from the patient.

Vision therapy usually includes a combination of in-office sessions and at-home exercises using tools such as:

  • Specialized lenses
  • Prisms
  • Filters
  • Occluders or patches
  • Electronic targets with timing mechanisms
  • Balance boards
  • A variety of special tools designed for specific vision therapy activities

How Can Vision Therapy Help? 

Vision therapy can be effective for both children and adults and is used as a treatment program for various conditions. It can help:

At IndividualEyes, our eye care team has extensive experience and knowledge in treating various issues with personalized vision therapy plans. Learn more about our Amblyopia & Strabismus Therapy, Learning-Related Vision Therapy, and Concussion Rehabilitation programs, or book your appointment today.

Our Locations

Richmond Hill

Come by our beautiful Richmond Hill location on Tower Hill Road just down from William Neal Community Park. We’re right between Tower Hill-Bathurst Animal Hospital and Aviva Nails, and there’s lots of parking available.

  • 9-372 Tower Hill Road
  • Richmond Hill, ON L4E 0T8


Find our Bolton location downtown in a unique century house on the corner of King Street West and Ann Street, right across from the Lavender Rose Day Spa and down from Tim Hortons. We have reserved parking for our patients at the rear of our building.

  • 30 Martha Street, Unit 203
  • Bolton, ON L7E 5V1

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A young boy with strabismus or crossed eyes

Some of the most common conditions children can experience are a lazy eye and strabismus. These conditions can worsen their vision, making it harder to learn and play. If your child has a lazy eye, is it the same as having strabismus?  Continue reading to learn more about these conditions, including what they are, how […]

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Half of an eye exam glasses, measurement reads -15 diopters

You may have heard of myopia or nearsightedness—a refractive error in which you can clearly see nearby objects and distant objects appear blurry. But have you heard about high myopia? High myopia is severe myopia that requires a higher prescription for correction. And because it generally begins in childhood, routine children’s eye exams are essential […]

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A woman riding the train with her hands on her temples, suffering from motion sickness

Motion sickness can make travelling a poor experience due to nausea, headaches, and dizziness. You wouldn’t typically visit your optometrist for motion sickness, but can this condition have a connection to your eyes? If you experience motion sickness, can an eye problem be the cause?  Continue reading to learn more about motion sickness, including if […]

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